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Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023 | Vogue India

The 7 Habits Guaranteed to Make You Happy eBook

Aug 24, 2023 | 06:00:18 IST

See what the stars have in store for your sign.

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Drop the mind. Drop the mind and journey back to your heart. Observe the passage of your breath through your body as you return to the glorious now, Taurus. Everything is as it should be and everything is working out in your favour, despite what your outer reality will have you believe. But, you cannot be tamed, Scorpio. You’re a free spirit who came here to be you, to show up in the big, bad world as the most authentic version of yourself. So, show up in the big, bad world as the most authentic version of yourself, and unapologetically so. Something tells us you’re ready to call into your experience a partner who will hold space for you to be *you* and love you as you are. Libra, you’re likely to feel creative inspired in more ways than one. Let go of the need to ‘make sense’ of the radical ideas that are coming through from your subconscious. Be wild, be free, and break the rules that were handed down to you by society! 

So, what does the day have in store for the rest of the signs? Let’s explore! Remember, these are guidance-based soulscopes that can be read according to your sun, moon, and rising. Pick what resonates with you the most!

Aries Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023


Uh-oh! Mercury’s being a troublemaker again, causing havoc in your personal life. Here’s the thing, though: the Universe gives us what we need, not what we want. Sometimes, chaos too is a part of the catharsis we’re meant to go through. Honour what’s taking place in your outer reality as an invitation to assess how you relate with others and which of your relationships could do with some ‘maintenance’. Seeing things as they are (rather than how you want them to be), will prove to be a superpower at this time, beautiful.

Cosmic tip: See things as they are, Aries.

Taurus Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023


Drop the mind. Drop the mind and journey back to your heart. Observe the passage of your breath through your body as you return to the glorious now, beautiful. Everything is as it should be and everything is working out in your favour, despite what your outer reality will have you believe. So, send out a prayer to your spirit team with a song of surrender in your heart. Overheard at the cosmic conference: you are ready to step into the energy field of miracles, wild one!

Cosmic tip:  You are SO loved and SO protected, Taurus.

Gemini Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023

Whilst everybody around you is complaining about Mercury’s backward dance, you’re feeling your most creative self. Make a note of those million-dollar ideas that are coming through. Something tells us you’re going to change the world, Gemini! As such, you may also feel the urge to reach out to friends, old and new. To gather your tribe, to make art, to make music, and to visualise a new reality together. Just a reminder: not everybody is going to be on the same page as you given the cosmic chaos that’s unfolding right now. Remember to be patient with those around.

Cosmic tip: Make a note of the million-dollar ideas that are coming through.

Cancer Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023


Codependency is showing up as a major theme for you, Cancer. But, you didn’t need the cards to tell you that. So, take a moment. Take a moment to observe the wounds that are resurfacing at the moment, and what they are encouraging you to shift within. Just a reminder: you are already whole and complete, beautiful, and you are worthy of being loved just as you are.

Cosmic tip: Observe the old wounds that are resurfacing at the moment.

Leo Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023

It’s official, Leo! You’re in your healing era. You’re tending to your inner child, finding pleasure in self-care, setting boundaries, practising silence and connecting with the elements. *This* is what it feels like to be in tune with nature, beautiful. If venturing into wilderness is not an option at this time, consider becoming a plant parent. Overheard at the cosmic conference: making your own lotions and potions at this time is also highly recommended!

Cosmic tip: Hello, witchy witch!

Virgo Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023


Make love. Make wild, passionate love to the uncertainty. Make love to the madness and the chaos. As you do, let go of the need to find definitive answers. Know that you are healing, growing, evolving and transforming into the version of yourself that you envisioned a long time ago. What you need to remember on this journey towards wholeness is that you are not alone, never alone. The same forces that sent the challenges your way will also send you the support required to slay!

Cosmic tip: You are *not* alone, wild one.

Libra Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023


You can either keep playing guessing games or be direct, express your truth and ask for what you want. So, be direct and ask for what you want from the given relationship. Spirit is offering you the chance to shatter any and all illusions and build a new life based on the foundation of mutual trust and respect. What’s more, you’re likely to feel creatively inspired too. Let go of the need to ‘make sense’ of the radical ideas that are coming through from your subconscious. Be wild, be free, and break the rules that were handed down to you by society.

Cosmic tip: Oh hello, wildflower!

Scorpio Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023


But, you cannot be tamed, Scorpio. You’re a wild and free spirit who came here to be you, to show up in the big, bad world as the most authentic version of yourself. So, show up in the big, bad world as the most authentic version of yourself, and unapologetically so. Something tells us you’re ready to call into your experience a partner who will hold space for you to be *you* and love you as you are, beautiful. If you are in the early stages of a relationship (or even friendship for that matter), communicate. Communicate your truth as clearly as you can. Your honesty will help build the foundation of a solid relationship, one that will continue to blossom with you.

Cosmic tip: Here’s to love and freedom!

Sagittarius Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023


Could it be that Spirit isn’t punishing you? It’s simply making you aware of what is no longer in alignment with your truth. So, take a moment to accept what is no longer in alignment with your truth as you let go with grace and gratitude. Don’t think of what’s taking place right now as a loss, though. Think of it instead as an opportunity to call in what you truly desire and deserve.

Cosmic tip: Let go with gratitude and grace, wild one.

Capricorn Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023


You’re feeling what you’re feeling, and that’s that, Capricorn. There’s no need to ‘make sense’ of what’s going on within. There’s no need to rationalise your emotions. Accept what the internal landscape is showing you without judgements and know that one day you will uncover the hidden gift in this situation. Just a reminder: isolating yourself at this time may not be the best idea. You need the love, encouragement and support of your soul family. Reach out to those who make you feel safe.

Cosmic tip: Accept with grace what you are feeling at this moment.

Aquarius Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023

Aquarius, if your higher self could tell you one thing, they’d say ‘you’re doing fine and you are exactly where you are supposed to be’. So, drop the mind, and with it, the barrage of questions. By returning to that place of stillness within yourself, you will find the clarity you seek. If your question involves other people, let go of your expectations. For now, at least. Understanding that everybody is dealing with their own trials and tribulations will free you from the burden that you have been carrying.

Cosmic tip: Drop the mind, and with it, the barrage of questions. You are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Pisces Horoscope Today: August 24, 2023

But, the answer is simple, Pisces, and the answer lies in bringing ‘joy’ back into the equation. So, meditate on the following question as you sip on your morning latte: “How can I bring more lightness and brightness into my life?” Here’s a few recommendations, courtesy your higher self: 1. Call your best friend and be silly as a form of therapy. 2. Cook a special meal at home or take yourself out to your favourite eatery. 3. Attend a healing circle or a yoga class. 4. Meditate by the ocean and watch the ebb and flow of the waves. 5. Make art for no other reason than the joy of making it.

Cosmic tip: Raise your vibrations. Pour your energy into that which brings you joy.

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