Mental Health

Yoga asanas that will help improve ‘self-awareness, love, and gratitude towards the body’

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Body image issues — whether it is an obsession with weight loss and exercise or negative feelings toward one’s appearance — can take a serious toll on mental health. As such, it is extremely important to combat negative thoughts and focus on the positive aspects. If you are working on the same, know that yoga, which is an effective stress-relieving practice, can also help develop a positive self-image.

“It teaches you to appreciate your body’s amazing capabilities and turn the gaze towards what’s going inside you. Movement and postures become a way to detach from negative thoughts and move ahead without any emphasis on losing weight. It also helps promote self-acceptance,” said Jiggyasa Gupta, a nutrition and fitness Coach.

Highlighting the same in an Instagram post, Sarvesh Shashi, Founder, Sarva Yoga Studios wrote, “Body image issues can be severe if not dealt with in time. They can lead to crushing self-esteem, bad eating habits and deteriorating health,” adding that yoga has proven to help improve self-awareness, love, and gratitude towards the body.

Further, he mentioned that Robin Boudette, a well-known psychologist and mindfulness teacher, says that yoga helps patients become more aware of their bodies, and open their minds to new experiences. “This can help make a better body image for yourself.”

Here are three asanas that can help with combating eating disorders its effects on mental health:


The word ‘pawan’ means wind and ‘mukta’ translates to release. As the name suggests, this asana helps release the accumulated wind in our stomach and intestines. “This pose is known by many names, such as Wind-Relieving Pose and even Gas Release Pose. Add it to your daily routine to reduce binge eating, promote regular bowel movements and aid in weight loss,” said Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Founder, Akshar Yoga Institutions.


*Lie on your back with your arms beside your body.
*Inhale, and as you exhale bring your knees toward your chest and press your thighs on your abdomen.
*Inhale, and as you exhale, raise your head off the floor, letting your chin to touch your knees.
*Hold this pose as you take deep, long breaths in and out.
*Release the pose to return to the starting position, bringing your head down first and then your legs.
*Repeat this for 2-3 rounds and then relax.

Akshar advised people with high blood pressure, hyperacidity, hernia, slip disc, heart problem, testicular disorder, neck and back issues to avoid this asana. “Women are advised to refrain from practicing Pawanmuktasana during pregnancy and menstruation,” he said.


dhanurasana This asana resembles an archer’s bow. (Source: Pixabay)

Also known as the Bow pose, Dhanurasana is a fundamental spinal flexibility yoga pose. “This yoga posture is one of the three main back stretching exercises. It encourages a powerful stretch along the front of the body and a deep opening at the heart centre, helping you cultivate an attitude of fearlessness and grace,” said Akshar, adding that this asana stretches and stimulates almost all-important body muscles like arms, shoulders, back, biceps, triceps, core (abs), hamstrings, chest, hips, knees and the neck.


*Start by lying down on your stomach with your hands alongside your torso.
*With an exhale, bend your knees and try to bring your heels as close as you can to your buttocks.
*Extend your hands back and hold on to your ankles. Keep your knees hip width for the duration of the pose.
*Inhale and use the grip you have on your ankles to lift your upper body and lower body off the floor.
*Lift your heels away from your buttocks and at the same time, lift your thighs away from the floor. Your head and chest will also be lifted up. Gently turn your chin upwards.
*Continue to breathe softly staying in this pose anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds.
*As you exhale, release from the pose and relax quietly for a few breaths. You can repeat the pose once or twice more.

As to who should avoid this pose, Akshar said, “Since the pose has a strong impact on the abdominal area, there are a few limitations on who should and shouldn’t practice this pose. Do not practice Dhanurasana if you have high or low blood pressure, hernia, insomnia, neck injury, spondylitis, pain in the lower back or back injury, migraine, stomach ulcer or recent abdominal surgery. Ladies should avoid practicing this pose during pregnancy.”


bhujangasana In Sanskrit, the word Bhujangasana comes a combination of two words- ‘bhujanga’ which translates to cobra and ‘asana’ meaning posture. (Source: Pixabay)

Bhujangasana is a back bending pose and is also included in the traditional Surya Namaskar sequence. In Sanskrit, the word Bhujangasana comes from a combination of two words — ‘bhujanga’ which translates to cobra and ‘asana’ meaning posture.

“Bhujangasana is considered one of the best asanas to get a flat stomach. It helps in strengthening and elongating the stomach. This asana burns stomach fat as it stretches abdominal muscles,” said Akshar.


*Lie down flat on the floor on your stomach. Stretch your legs back with your toes out on the floor. Spread your palms on the floor under your shoulders and bring the elbows close to the sides of your body.
*Press the tops of your feet and thighs into the floor.
*Inhale as you press your palms into the floor and slowly straighten the arms. Lift the chest off the floor as much as till your navel. Let your pelvis remain on the floor. Gently squeeze your buttocks even as you keep pushing your navel down.
*Broaden your shoulder blades as you engage them to lift up the chest forward.
*Hold the pose anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds inhaling and exhaling. Release back to the floor with an exhalation.

However, if you have an inflexible back, it is recommended that you use props before doing this pose on the floor. “Moreover, avoid this asana if you have a back injury, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches or are pregnant,” Akshar told

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